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Head Lice – Help page

How to check:

Wet combing is the only reliable way to check for head lice. Lice move fast in dry hair and are easy to miss.

For best results follow the steps below:

Wash the hair and apply ample conditioner. Use a wide tooth comb to straighten and untangle hair. Make sure the hair is soaked.

Once the comb moves freely, without dragging, switch to a Louse Detection Comb. Make sure the teeth of the comb slot into the hair at the roots with the teeth flat against the scalp.

Draw the comb to the ends of the hair with every stroke and check for lice. Hold against white paper, or use a magnifying glass for clarification.

Remove lice by wiping or rinsing the comb after every stroke.

Work methodically through the hair, section by section so the entire head is combed through.

Rinse out the hair and repeat the combing procedure on the wet hair.

Rinse out the hair and repeat the combing procedure on the wet hair.

The whole family including parents/guardians need to be checked.

Clearing up afterwards, put all tissues into plastic bag and tie. Wash all brushes combs in hot soapy water for few minutes. Use an old toothbrush to remove debris.

What are you looking for?

Young lice can be difficult to see. They can range in size from a full stop to a grain of sand.

Eggs (called nits) may be found 1.5cm from the scalp. Eggs found more than 1.5cm from the scalp are either dead or hatched and do not require further treatment.

What to do if you find lice:

Don’t panic! Anyone can get head lice and help is available.

Begin treatment on any family member in whom you have found live lice.

Inform the school immediately.

Recommended Treatment:

Adult and young head lice. Adult lice are easy to see. They are about the size of a sesame seed.

Use the conditioner and combing technique as a treatment alone (combing needs to be repeated every four days, four times until no lice is seen for four combings)


Or Use the conditioner and combing technique in between the use of a chemical treatment. It is essential to check for effectiveness after each application of a chemical product. Some head lice are resistant to some chemical treatments. This means this method alone will not kill the head lice.

Further Help:

The “Head Lice a Go Go” DVD, which outlines a method of detecting and clearing head lice without using special chemicals, is available to borrow from the office on request.

Useful Websites