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Student Council 2024-2025

St Brendan’s NS believes that students have a vital role to play in creating a positive and welcoming school environment conducive to learning and happiness . We believe that our student council has a requisite role in achieving this. The Student Council meet on the first Friday of each month.

The role of the student council

  • Provide an opportunity for pupils to voice their opinions and offer suggestions in relation to many aspects of school life

  • Acto as a channel of communication within the school organisation , between pupils and between home and school.

  • Encourage pupils to organise events and to represent the school in a positive way during this events.

  • Offer an opportunity for all pupils to voice their opinions on proposed changes and thereby play an important role in improving our school.

An election campaign is held by pupils who wish to be on the student council every year in september / october and their peers decide who they wish to represent them on this council. Student council members wear specially designed badges to ensure they are readily identifiable as student council representatives



  1. School celebrations- friendship week, seachtain na gaeilge etc

  2. School fundraising- cake sales

  3. Special occasions- green flag ceremonies , visitors to the school , scholastic book fairs etc

  4. Implementing new initiatives