Parents Association

Here are some of the Parent's Association who wrapped our Hampers during Christmas 2024. Thanks to all who helped and donated towards these hampers.
Aims and Objectives
1.To help all parents feel they have a part to play in the school and a contribution in helping to make their child's years in the school a positive time in their life.
2.To represent the interests and views of parents of children attending the school.
3.To inform parents of developments in Education and in Blennerville NS
4.To foster cooperation and promote good relationships between parents and the Principal, Teachers and Board of Management.
5.To assist with extra-curricular activities.
6.To help with the provision of extra equipment and teaching aids through fundraising events.
What Happens?
At the beginning of each academic year the new PA committee is selected at the AGM of the PA. This is advertised through the text system and School notice-board. Look out for this notification and come if possible. New parents are actively encouraged to join the committee. All parents are welcome to contribute to discussions at the AGM, assist with events and participate in the committee.
From an individual parent’s perspective, you get to know a lot of people through the PA, and get to know more teachers than those directly involved with your children. Being a member is not just enjoyable, it gives you a reassurance and confidence in the School that is educating your child. By active participation in school activities and events we are sending an important message to the children, teachers and school management that we value the education our children receive. People are not always available to help out for every event, so it helps if we have a pool of names to call on (which is actually not very often!).
Contact Us
Feel free to contact us through the school by contacting the Principal, School Secretary Noreen or Tina O'Shea O'Reilly (current chairperson) at
If you are interested in joining the Parents Association please contact the office and leave your name and contact details or any member of the association we are always looking for new members.