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Suggestions Box

We now have a Suggestions Box in our school. Master O'Connell went to classes on 26th November 2019 to explain what it was for and to invite children to contribute ideas to the box which he will read, considered, and take seriously. This will give children a voice in their own school. This idea all began when Cillian in 2nd class suggested he would really like to do some Graffiti on the walls. Master hasn't ruled this one out! He says that it could possibly happen if we painted onto timber leaning against the walls. So we look forward to this perhaps in the new year when weather is a little better!

Dan on the Team

4th class Dan's relay team won a bronze medal recently in the county finals. His team will now represent Kerry in the nationals. Well done Dan👍🏼. This is a terrific achievement.

Concern's Sinead Morgan

Thanks to Sinèad Morgan from Concern who did a debating workshop with Ms Debbie Moriarty’s 5th and 6th class on 22nd November 2019. It was a wonderful session and we learned a lot from Sinead. Lots of more photos can be seen in the gallery.

Walkability Audit

Today we had a fabulous morning with Angela Wall of An Taisce, Green-school. We were joined by parent (Lauren's Mom)  Julianne and the Travel Committee. Angela divided us up and gave us all clipboards and jobs.

1. Measuring footpaths was done with the aid of a measuring tape by engineers of the future James, Dara and Ródhan. They did a phenomenal job and found that footpath widths really varied throughout the village.

2. Road signs.  This survey was done by Kerri and Hannah O'S who did a tally of road signs in the village and they even noted signs that were not on the list.

3. Passing traffic tally. This was done so well by Conor, Shane and Tara. There was a LOT of traffic to count.

4. Things to note. Along the route, Lauren, Hannah P and Julianne wrote down any observations along the way. They did a super job filling an entire page.

5. Problems and issues. Well done to Elizabeth and Claudia who took notes of any problems along our walk such as window ledges jutting out and a pole in the middle of a footpath which people could crash into so easily.

6. Litter and waste audit. This was done by Ciara H and Holly who noted a LOT of plastic bottles along the route and many tin cans too.

7. Feedback. This was done singlehandedly by Conor C who answered a series of yes and no questions about footpaths and roads after the walk was complete.He looked at cracks on footpaths and ramps and steps.

The committee were pleased in general with our clean air and the safety of the school. It is well fenced and there is a pedestrian crossing which we timed crossing and the settings on it are correct to allow you to cross in time. However, we found the crossing at the station house, the green man is broken for crossing. We found lots of cracks in the pavement outside the windmill along that path. We thought that traffic was driving a little fast and Julianne observed on many occasions, speeding in our set-down area. Angela promised she would return to us in February with a speed gun so we can act like guards for a day and check the speed of passing traffic. It sounds like a lot of fun! We are really looking forward to Angela's return then. All members were presented with a Greenschool badge and Angela gave Ms Brassil lots of prizes that we will award for the Water Poster competition. We will have in-school prizes and then post one from each class off to represent the school in the national competition. There is a fabulous black cycling helmet up for grabs. So children be sure to remind your teachers to enter it. Tell them the template is in the staffroom. 

Health Promoting School

13 members of the HPS Committee spoke about 3 issues on 18/11/2019 following a meeting led by Mrs Edel OSullivan last week. Well done to those children who spoke so well in front of an entire school assembly.

There were 3 main issues followed by a brief question and answer session.

1. Healthy lunch boxes. It was decided by the committee that one lucky class will win 20 minutes extra playtime in the yard on a fine day for one class. 
2. The Daily Mile. To encourage more to run for more continuous laps of the school, we will now all have have running partners assigned to us to help us to keep running and get encouragement.
3. The Food Dudes. This will begin Wednesday 20/11/2019 for all classes. Children will be encouraged to taste and eat fruit and vegetables and be rewarded for their efforts with stickers and prizes.