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Halloween Aistear

Halloween Aistear in Senior Infants in Ms Sarah Dinan’s Senior Infants during October 2020. Children experimented with coloured water mixing potions, they did role play in the Home corner and created potions on the blackboard and listed the ingredients. Children made scary things from recycled goods in an art corner, played in the small world and constructed a lab or a witches house in the LEGO construction section of the class. It was great fun and not too scary at all!


Little Red Hen Aistear

Aistear photos from Ms Sarah Dinan’s Senior Infants on the topic of The Little Red Hen. Stations were: Drama, acting out the story. Lego, building a windmill. Play dough, making characters from the story. Small world, using farm animals and a torn map. Oats and seeds, where children find hidden characters and seeds within oats abs have fun with magnifying glasses ans funnels. We are very careful that all equipment is cleaned daily or brand new in the case of the oats. Ms Dinan, thank you for taking on Aistear in these difficult times.

September 1st

Our return date for school is September 1st. We look forward to seeing you all then, especially our new infants and of course our 6th class who will be returning for their graduation with us. You have all worked so hard and now deserve to enjoy your Summer Holidays. Have a lovely break and remember to play and stay safe everyone. See you all very soon!

Message from our Principal

Please click on MESSAGE FROM PRINCIPAL to hear Mr O'Connell address the children this week, as we continue with the Lemons for Livie task and take on Active Week. You are to be commended for the hard work you have all done throughout the closure and we hope you will all enjoy Active Week now. Lots of ideas were forwarded by teachers to classes on Friday for the coming week.

Task 9

Task 9 Lemons for Livie

Please watch this video to see Mr O'Connell explain this week's task Lemons for Livie which is a fundraiser for a very sick little girl called Livie who needs an operation which is very expensive. Garda Mary Gardiner is organising this fundraiser and it is such a great cause. Click Lemons for Livie to watch Master eating his lemon which is very funny and please donate if you can help. Thanks everyone!

Livie Mulhearn is a 10 month old girl who has been diagnosed with sma type 1. She requires medical treatment in the US which costs $2.1 million . She needs our help. She needs this treatment before she turns 2 years of age... you can read about livie at “ a better life for livie” on Facebook and Instagram.
so .... to help livie I’ve come up with a challenge ...... LEMONS FOR LIVIE
its easy ...... 
Half a lemon..... bite into it for 10 seconds .... video yourself doing it, donate and nominate 5 people to do it....
A little sour taste for us for 10 seconds could mean a sweeter life for livie xxx
Thanks everyone .... 

Donate by clicking GO FUND ME LEMONS FOR LIVIE if you can. Thank you!